Prefectural University of Kumamoto >
Browsing by Title
Showing results 16 to 35 of 1877
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 21-Mar-2022 | A Cognitive Grammar Approach to to-Infinitive Constructions | 佐々木, 昌太郎 |
30-Sep-2009 | A Cognitive-Semantic Study of Deixis | Yang, Hui |
Dec-2023 | A Comparative Study of Humour between Japanese Manzai and English Stand-up Comedy | Terada, Yoshika |
Sep-2018 | A Comparison of the Effects of Meaning-focused and Form-focused Instruction on the Learning of Collocations:An Empirical Study | 武末, 俊光 |
Mar-2000 | A Development of Policy Evaluation in Japanese Local Government | 木原, 佳奈子 |
Mar-2001 | A Functional Text Analysis of News Stories : Hard News and Soft News | SHINDO, Mitsuo |
Feb-2022 | A Generically Designed Professional Development Model for Teaching the International Baccalaureate Curriculum | TAKEGAMI, Fumi |
Sep-2014 | “A Justice”におけるアイデンティティの諸相 | 有働, 牧子 |
Dec-2003 | A Kidnapped Orphanと未来のNabob | 難波, 美和子 |
1-Mar-2020 | A New Multicultural Pedagogical Approach : Participator Filmmaking in the Classroom | HARA, Hiroko |
2020 | A New Technique to Realize a Drastic Acceleration of Crop Growth in the DFT Hydroponic Cultivation with Hyper-oxygenated Nutrient Solution | Tsutsumi, Hiroaki |
Sep-2008 | “A Rose for Emily”における悲劇一痛められ、査められた人間たちー | 有働, 牧子 |
Mar-1998 | A self-similar tiling generated by the minimal Pisot number | Sadahiro, Taizo |
Sep-2014 | A Study in ScarletとThe Sign of the Four にみるDoyleの側面― 語り手Watsonに注目して― | 濱﨑, 建至 |
22-Sep-2021 | A Study on the Proper Sampling Method for Microplastic Distributions in the Surface Freshwater : From Case Studies in Japan and Indonesia | Jeong, Huiho |
Mar-2006 | A. A. Youngの景気循環対策 : 知識、失業保険、公共事業 | 松尾, 隆 |
Sep-2015 | Absalom, Absalom! における語りが目指したもの | 有働, 牧子 |
22-Sep-2021 | Accelerated bioaccumulation of total mercury in red stingray, Hemitrygon akajei, by ontogenetic changes of feeding habits, and selective transfer of methylmercury to the aquatic animals located at higher trophic levels | Duangdee, Teerapong |
Sep-2020 | Active Learning and Modern Approaches to Education | Ogawa, Koyo |
Sep-1999 | Andragogy in English as a Foreign Language Classes at Prefectural University of Kumamoto | Kirk, Daniel T. |
Showing results 16 to 35 of 1877