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Showing results 81 to 100 of 1877
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2022Effects of Reading-While-Listening & Viewing-With-Subtitles on Incidental Vocabulary LearningKANETO, Hikari
Mar-2024Elevating Written English Environmental Communication Skills in Japanese University Science MajorsMorrow, Jeffrey Stewart
1-Mar-2020English Education in Japan to Meet Curriculum PolicyTAKEGAMI, Fumi
Sep-2000Ethnolinguistic Vitality of Japanese in SydneyShindo, Mitsuo
4-Mar-2011Facilitating reflective learning in an EFL teacher education course: a hybrid/blended-learning approachNagamine, Toshinobu
Mar-2015Faculty Views on English and Other Languages in a Japanese Faculty of Administrative StudiesBeaufait, Paul A.
Mar-2004Godlinessにおける主人公たちのグロテスク性小園, 敏幸
Mar-2010GTD理論に基づくWeb2.0時代のメール処理手法に関する実践と考察藤本, 竜之介; 油田, 健太郎
23-Dec-2020Health Risk Assessment and Dietary Intake of Mercury (Hg)from Rice in Artisanal Small-Scale Gold MiningArea,IndonesiaNovirsa, Randy
25-Sep-2023Health Risk Evaluation and the Investigation of the Potential Human Foetal Subacute Developmental Toxicities upon Exposures to Mercury-Contaminated Food Crops from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Communities – A Case Study of Obuasi, GhanaSylvester, Addai-Arhin
Mar-2015Humanities= 人文学、Astronomy =天文学? : 人文学を捉えなおす難波, 美和子
30-Mar-2002Interaction through Text WorldsTomita, Sanae
Mar-2003ITで創る地域社会 : コンピュータと人との共生藤尾, 好則
Feb-2017João Rodriguez’s ‘sonsonete’ in Arte Grande馬場, 良二
1-Mar-2017João Rodriguezを追い続けて馬場, 良二
Sep-2017John Donne の作品における自己と他者の重なりのイメージ鳥養, 志乃
30-Sep-2009L.L.Janes大尉の熊本における足跡石井, 容子
21-Mar-2022Lactiplantibacillus plantarum PUK6の特性とその多成分バクテリオシンに関する研究河原, あい
Sep-1999Language class-size survey findings, 1998-99 : If 'small' is not small, then bigger is better?Beaufait, Paul A.
Mar-2023LAW & LEVIATHAN : Redeeming the Administrative State渡邊, 榮文
Showing results 81 to 100 of 1877
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