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Showing results 23 to 42 of 1848
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2014“A Justice”におけるアイデンティティの諸相有働, 牧子
Dec-2003A Kidnapped Orphanと未来のNabob難波, 美和子
1-Mar-2020A New Multicultural Pedagogical Approach : Participator Filmmaking in the ClassroomHARA, Hiroko
2020A New Technique to Realize a Drastic Acceleration of Crop Growth in the DFT Hydroponic Cultivation with Hyper-oxygenated Nutrient SolutionTsutsumi, Hiroaki
Sep-2008“A Rose for Emily”における悲劇一痛められ、査められた人間たちー有働, 牧子
Mar-1998A self-similar tiling generated by the minimal Pisot numberSadahiro, Taizo
Sep-2014A Study in ScarletとThe Sign of the Four にみるDoyleの側面― 語り手Watsonに注目して―濱﨑, 建至
22-Sep-2021A Study on the Proper Sampling Method for Microplastic Distributions in the Surface Freshwater : From Case Studies in Japan and IndonesiaJeong, Huiho
Mar-2006A. A. Youngの景気循環対策 : 知識、失業保険、公共事業松尾, 隆
Sep-2015Absalom, Absalom! における語りが目指したもの有働, 牧子
22-Sep-2021Accelerated bioaccumulation of total mercury in red stingray, Hemitrygon akajei, by ontogenetic changes of feeding habits, and selective transfer of methylmercury to the aquatic animals located at higher trophic levelsDuangdee, Teerapong
Sep-2020Active Learning and Modern Approaches to EducationOgawa, Koyo
Sep-1999Andragogy in English as a Foreign Language Classes at Prefectural University of KumamotoKirk, Daniel T.
29-Jan-2024Assessment of Mercury Pollution and Its Human Health Risk in MyanmarPyae Sone Soe
26-Sep-2017Assessment of methylmercury exposure from seafood consumptionHoang Thi Van, Anh
26-Sep-2017Bacterial Concentration,Viability and Composition in the Rainwater of Cyclones,Stationary Fronts and Typhoons胡, 偉
23-Dec-2020Battlefield as Purgatorial for the American Self: Tim O’Brien’s Vindication of the Vietnam War Experience in If I Die in a Combat Zone, Going After Cacciato and The Things They Carried三牧, 史奈
22-Feb-2021Beaufait, Paul A.准教授近影写真-
22-Feb-2021Beaufait, Paul A.准教授略歴-
25-Sep-2018Biomagnification process of total mercury in the aquatic ecosystem of an enclosed Isahaya Bay, Kyushu, western JapanJAINGAM, Wachirah
Showing results 23 to 42 of 1848
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