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Prefectural University of Kumamoto >

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Showing results 134 to 153 of 1877
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Mar-2022Scaffolding As a Way to Conceptualize Teaching and Inform University Faculty DevelopmentTakegami, Fumi
Nov-2016Second Language Vocabulary Research : 2010Tanaka, Yuji
Nov-2012Second Language Vocabulary Research : 2003Tanaka, Yuji
Mar-2011Second language vocabulary research: 2005Tanaka, Yuji
Dec-2008Second language vocabulary research: 2006Tanaka, Yuji
Aug-2009Second language vocabulary research: 2007Tanaka, Yuji
Oct-2010Second language vocabulary research: 2008Tanaka, Yuji
Feb-2016Second Language Vocabulary Research: 2009Tanaka, Yuji
Nov-2014Second Language Vocabulary Research:2002Tanaka, Yuji
Mar-2012Second Lnguage Vocabulary Reseach:2004Tanaka, Yuji
Dec-2024Self-Access Language Learning : An Overview of Key Concepts and ApproachesRistea, Viorel
Mar-2023Semiotic Analysis of Images & English Usage in Tourism Promotional Material : Aso Kuju National Park, JapanMorrow, Jeffrey Stewart
Mar-2014Several Characteristics of Feminist Drama Represented in Marsha Norman's PlaysPark, Jooeun
30-Nov-2018Share(共有と共用) : 「公(Public)」と「私(Private)」の間で藤井, 資子
17-Aug-2023Size-segregated Concentration of Bacterial Aerosols in Response to the Variation of Synoptic Weather at Japan Southwestern Coast範, 春蘭
Sep-2015Smoke Signalsにおける文学装置―意味の変化がもたらすもの―矢ヶ部, あかり
30-Mar-2002SPI (下田式性格検査法)の改訂版の作成とその有効性の研究(SPI改訂版の作成第2報)田中, 宏尚; 塩見, 邦雄; 吉岡, 千尋
Sep-2015Stratégie culturelle d’une société multilingue :Paysage linguistique d’un pays ouest-africain, le Sénégal砂野, 幸稔
26-Sep-2017Study on Mercury Removal in Wastewater by a Forward Osmosisi SysytemWu, Chia-yu
30-Mar-2001Subject selection in psychological event : experiencer subject vs. stimulus subjectShimizu, Keiko
Showing results 134 to 153 of 1877
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