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Showing results 102 to 121 of 1848
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
17-Feb-2020Making the Case for Case Method in Teacher Development : What? Why? How?Takegami, Fumi
24-Sep-2019Material flow analysis of mercury at an industrial coal-fired boiler and international comparison of mercury management.黄, 光偉
Mar-1999Max Weber und die Entstehung des modernen, marktorientierten KapitalismusMommsen, Wolfgang
Feb-2016MCQ-30(Wells & Cartwright-Hatton, 2004)の他の質問紙法との関連による妥当性の検討田﨑, 權一
Feb-2015MCQ-30(Wells & Cartwright-Hatton,2004)日本語訳版の信頼性の検討田﨑, 權一
Mar-2008‘Meditative-Polemic’なShouldについて三木, 悦三
25-Sep-2018Mercuric fractionation, spatial distribution, earthworm bioaccumulation and removal of the leachate-contaminated soils around the traditional municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill何, 昌華
29-Jan-2024Mercury Contamination in Indonesia: A Critical Review and Case Study of Communities Near Gold Mining Areas.Arrazy, Syafran
Mar-2011Meta-disciplineとしてのアドミニストレーション澤田, 道夫
Sep-2018Metaphorical and visual representations of scaffoldingレイヴィン・, リチャード; 中野, 友加里
Dec-2003Muriel Sparkの小説における時間の移動小辻, 梅子
Mar-2009Nabob とは誰か? : 18-19 世紀アングロ・インディアンの肖像をめぐって難波, 美和子
Dec-2023Needs Analysis : A Student's Real Needs Emerging from their ExperiencesOgawa, Koyo
Sep-2018On the annotations in ARTE GRANDE馬場, 良二
Mar-2004Our Townにおける地上と永遠徳永, 紀美子
17-Feb-2020Participatory Cellphilming as a New Pedagogy for DiversityHARA, Hiroko
Mar-2012PDCA考渡邊, 榮文
Dec-2002PFIの理論と実際 : 自治体における導入立山, 敏男; 久原, 美樹子; 石森, 久広; 小泉, 和重
26-Feb-2024Photovoice for Fostering Global Competence among University StudentsHARA, Hiroko
Mar-2023Practicing Online Collaborative Cellphilming towards DiversityHara, Hiroko
Showing results 102 to 121 of 1848
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